
Participant's Home Base

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago


Participant's Home Base    


Pre-workshop:  Resources for Participants


Learning Libraries 3 Projects, 2007--08


Here is a blank copy of the Change Model for your team to complete and post on your page.  Please note: Once you download and fill out the form, you will need to rename it, save it to your computer or to a disk, and attach the renamed file to your team's wiki page. 

Change Model.doc 



Photos from our Workshops 


Wiki Petting Zoo: Getting Started with PB Wiki


Tutorials for using PBWiki for LL3: (requires Flash)

Part 1: Getting Started 


Time:     (3:04)                                            

Part 2: Why use a wiki and logging in


Time:     (3:39)

Part 3: Creating your first page


Time:     (4:16)

Part 4: Editing the page, including inserting documents,images and plugins


Time:     (3:42)





Now, it's your turn!  The Wiki Petting Zoo is the page where you can get to know PB Wiki. 

Go ahead and play! 


Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar

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